(CP) How did you get the name Ray Rizzle? Is there a meaning to the name?
“Well I'm a Jr, so growing up my family gave me a nick name which was Ray-Ray. Rizzle came from one of my homies in B$E and really it just stuck with me since high school.”
The city where we come
from shapes us.
Where is Ray Rizzle from? How did your city shape your mentality and
“I'm from Huntsville, Alabama. A small city where everybody knows everybody. Through elementary and middle school I stayed with my grandma cause my mom worked two jobs just to provide. Seeing that just basically shaped me to go hard in whatever I do.”
Why did you choose to title your EP
Due Time”?
Could you name some producer’s that you’ve worked with for the
“I chose to name my EP "In Due Time" because I feel like in due time this hard work I'm putting in far as the studio will pay off. I have verses that people can relate to. Some of the producers I worked with so far are BlacHood production, Twuan, and BossMan. Right now I'm just looking for other producer just to get a different sound.
What’s next for Ray Rizzle? Are there any shows?
“Next thing for me is just making sure that I promote this EP right just getting it to reach everywhere. I have a song on Audio Mack now that's off the EP and I plan on dropping another one soon. I have a couple of visuals I'll be doing soon as far as videos.”
“Right now I don't really have any shows but I expect all of that to change when the EP drops for sure!”
Could you briefly describe to our Clutch Players Readers Ray Rizzle
“My style is a different sound coming from the south. I'm different than your average rapper, I strive to be lyrical and spit lines that catch my listeners attention. I feel like once you listening to the EP you will agree.”
At the Clutch Players University office we are avid Hip-Hop and
Sports fans. If you were not pursuing music. Which sport would you
see yourself doing?
“Oh that's easy, football. Yea, I been playing football since little league all the way up through high school. I had a scholarship to Alabama A&M and JSU but I had got me a job and started working.”
Could your briefly give Clutch Players University readers a glimpse
into who is Ray Rizzle?
“I'm a hard working young man who is determined to make his dreams a reality. I'm still working 9 to 5 hoping that this rap shit takes off. I'm the only child and also the only grand-child. I went to a trade school for a year in Blairsville, Pa, where I earned a degree in collision and refinishing. So now I feel like I'm at that point in my life where I need to make it happen as far as doing what I want.”
What is the illest line you ever heard. It could can be from your
favorite emcee or your rhymes?
That's hard to just pick one but one of my favorites is from J Cole he said:" Old chick calling but I'm on to new thangs, she still a dime but I always lose change " that's just one of many from him.
Clutch Players University like to thank you for taking time out for
us. Could you leave some encouraging words to the dreamers,
visionaries, and clutch players?
"No matter what your dream is... chase it, only thing worst than death is a regret filled coffin."
Be on the look out for my EP "In Due Time"!
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