Clutch Players University caught up with Not A Collective member Why Fi which he gave us a glimpse into what it means to be WHYreless.
"I fell in love with Hip- Hop when I was four. It was when my older brother and his best friend, at the time, played Tupac's "Hit Em Up" when I was at his friends house. I remember screaming "...Nigga I hit him up!" as a child because it felt awesome to just yell around the house. That started to open my eyes to the very diverse world of music, in general. Now, I wouldn't necessarily say that Hip- Hop is my "platform", but rather it fits the sound that I'm going for at the moment. I want to be able to create all different types and styles of music throughout my career and use a myriad of "platforms" to show versatility."
"They're many differences and similarities between mainstream and underground Hip- Hop. Some similarities that mainstream and underground Hip- Hop share are certain flows a rapper chooses to use when reciting bars, certain rhyme schemes such as "lean, beam, dream, cream, etc", and topics such as turning up, selling drugs, and women. The differences I'd say would be the style in which an artist chooses to spit or depict what they're ultimately trying to say."
(CP) Could you briefly tell our Clutch Players University the city your from? And, how did that city shaped your mentality and rhymes?
(CP) Could you briefly tell our Clutch Players University the city your from? And, how did that city shaped your mentality and rhymes?
"I was born and raised in Takoma Park, Maryland but I currently live in Wheaton, MD. Living in both cities really shaped my mentality and rhymes in such a big way because of the all things I've experienced first hand, as well as the things that my family and friends experienced that affected me. For instance, me being exposed to the life of doing and selling drugs just to get by, young girls prostituting themselves with older guys, gang-related activity, robbing / looting, fights, shootings / stabbings, friends getting locked up, and so on all at a very young age really opened my eyes to how the world really works; which ultimately influenced me to not only sell drugs but do them as well, get into fights in order to protect myself, rob / steal from others. But at the end of the day I put all of that behind me because I feel that even though I was raised a certain way and was around a lot of negativity, I can make the most out of it and spread positivity and help others avoid the shit that I went through."
"We all have it rough at times but we don't necessarily have to be stuck in those ways of trying to "come up" when we call can "come up" together in a more positive/embracing way."
Here at Clutch Players University we value consistency. What do you
want to contribute to the culture of Hip-Hop musically and socially?
"Musically, I'd like to contribute quality work in Hip-Hop, at all times. I'm very consistent with my approach to every verse and song and just make music that's genuine to me."
"Socially, I'd like to leave my imprint on society in a way similar to how Bob Marley did with his music. He was able to promote peace, love and positivity throughout the entire world with his music, and I aspire to do the same, to an extent."
"Socially, I'd like to leave my imprint on society in a way similar to how Bob Marley did with his music. He was able to promote peace, love and positivity throughout the entire world with his music, and I aspire to do the same, to an extent."
Could you briefly describe to our Clutch readers. Who is Why Fi?
I'm simply The Most WHYreless person you'll ever meet; which basically is the concept of living one’s life free of restrictions and limitations in order to achieve self actualization and ultimate happiness. One can become “WHYreless” by simply cutting ties with conformity, complacency, and minimalistic desires in the attempt to want, need, and do better (for oneself as well as for others). This implies that one who is content with mediocrity lives life as a “wired” individual; and by cutting said ties, you’ve taken the first step to becoming whyreless. Being WHYreless is also a state of mind in which one chooses to live and aspire for more than that of the status quo; similar to how a satellite roams over the globe.
What can the people expect next from Why Fi?
"The Most WHYreless EP" is an eight track EP that is set to drop January 4th, 2015. I already have one video out right now for a song entitled "WHYreless" which, in context to the project, explains to females what it's like to be with someone that is as WHYreless as myself. The second single off the EP is called "Deadzone" is dropping with a visual which is coming pretty soon, as well as another visual set to drop after the EP is released sometime in January called "The Crash." I think this body of work is the most cohesive sounding project that I've ever made but that'll be up for you all to decide once you download it.
Aside, from listening to your music. What artist's does Why Fi listen

In your opinion which emcee could have a successful run as an
athlete? Which, athlete could have a successful run as an emcee?
"I think Chris Brown could be a successful athlete because he's very good at basketball (from what I've seen in celebrity / charity games). And I wouldn't be surprised if Shaquille O'Neal wanted to make another run at rapping."
In your opinion do you think the Hip-Hop culture is organically
evolving? Is there a difference between Rap / Hip-Hop today?
I definitely think that the Hip- Hop culture is organically evolving. Back in the day it was all about the innovation of the style; whether it be by creating flows, catchy rhyme schemes or just testing the boundaries. It was also a lot easier to get signed and start making money off of music in comparison to present day before people started to illegally download music. Nowadays, it's a lot harder to stand out with so many different styles but it makes the rap game that much more entertaining to see who'll truly emerge as the next "Clutch" artists.
Could you provide some words of encouragement for the Clutch Players
University, dreamers, or visionaries?
"I simply would like to say to just spread peace, love and positivity at all times. Follow your dreams and pursue anything that you have a passion for and that makes you happy. Don't live your life for others."
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the best you.
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