Friday, June 14, 2013


Clutch Players University caught up with Narcy a.k.a The Narcicyst to discuss his new EP titled ‘Leap of Faith,’ and much more…

(CP) Within your biography on  it begins to state “The Narcycist an Iraqi - Canadian Journalist and Hip-Hop MC, etc.” From your perspective do you see a difference between the Hip-Hop culture in Iraq and the United States? If so could you briefly describe the differences and the similarities?

(N) I never lived in Iraq. I used to visit very frequently in the early 90’s and late eighties. I can speak on Arabia in general vis-à-vis hip-hop more than anything. I think that hip-hop in Arabia is approaching the golden age that we had in the West in the 90s. The hyper-politicized realities of many of our countries have forced a lot of artists into a social dialogue with their work, whereas a lot of us in the Diaspora are speaking on the identity flux that exists between the two worlds. Hip-Hop is really powerful. It allows you to SPEAK clearly to the audience. I would say that in America there is definitely a fracture between the commercial aspects of hip-hop and the cultural representations of the movement. There is an overlap, but there is also a great difference between the polar extremes. In America, there is more money in Hip-Hop. That eventually will shape the content without disregard of where it comes from. So I would say that, in Arabia, it is still growing, whereas in America, one could say its Dying or Thriving.

(CP) The music you construct often has a political tone and touch on various Socio- topics. Why did you choose Hip-Hop as your platform rather than going into the political arena?

(N) I would never want to be a politician. I would like to believe I make commentary on my daily life, which is sometimes influenced by the political arena. I no longer make political music; I believe that is an oxymoron. Music brings people together, politics divides them.

(CP) Here at Clutch Players University we value consistency. What do you want to contribute to the culture of Hip-Hop musically and socially?
(N) I hope that I help open the lane for the ever-growing important voice of the modern day Arab. Our existence in North America and the tie-in of our motherlands to the history of the world and civilization deserves to be recognized, respected and flourished. That and I hope I deliver some good music that stands the test of time.

(CP) What can the people expect next from The Narcycist?
(N) I have a short film called 'RISE' coming out soon, a new album I am working on and some new multi-media projects lined up with several artists through my company The Medium. I look forward to sharing more soon!

(CP) In your IPod what artists are in The Narcycist playlist?
(N) Stevie Wonder and Radiohead right now.

(CP) Would you provide our readers a line from one of your favorite compositions that you’ve created? And it’s meaning?

(N) “If a star dies in the sky before I see one/ why would I teach kids to reach and try to be one”

This is from the title song off my Leap of Faith EP. I’m saying that, let’s not feed the next generation false dreams of celebrity and fame. Let them find themselves in the universe before we project an idea of ‘success’ upon them.
(CP) In Hip-Hop, style is a unique identifier of a person’s personality. When prepping for a show what apparel would Narcy wear?

(N) Oh man, every show is different. But I definitely always need my Yassin Ring, and a bottle of Perrier =)
(CP) Could you provide some words of encouragement for the Clutch Players University, dreamers, or visionaries?

(N) As cliché as it is, be yourself and believe. That’s how I created my dream job. Just aim and realize nothing comes over night. Work hard, play hard, live hard and pray hard.


Wikipedia. Internet. Available from; accessed 14 June 2013.

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