Clutch U had the honor to speak to someone with such immense passion for music and art and that is Plug Research artist Coultrain...
(CP) Could you explain your current album title ‘Jungle Mumbo Jumbo’ is there a meaning behind it? And what was the sound you were trying to capture sonically on this album?
(C) It depends on the mood I’m in. I love the Traditional Jazz
music of the 40’s and 50’s I love the transitions that it had. Also, the Soul
and Funk music of the 60’s and 70’s even some of the Pop music from the 40’s. However,
the Jazz era is what inspires me the most.
I think I’ve would’ve wanted to explore Black American music in general.
And, even with the social climate through those eras I would’ve wanted to be a
part of it just to be in the spirit of it.
(CP) If you were able to interview someone who influenced
you musically or personally who would it be? And what would be the conversational

(CP) Since, you are from St. Louis where style is
everything. Describe your personal dressing style? And does it correlate with your
musical style?
(C) I think so. But, style in itself has nothing to do with
fashion. My style probably entails pieces of classic material, also with
different cultures involved. Style is very important it’s kind of like its own
art outside of the music. When I dress for performances or regular life it’s
not a big difference it’s just how I see the colors and how they go together.
(CP) What’s next for Coultrain? Are there any tours?
(C) Yes, we are putting together dates and regions to hit
real soon.
(CP) Clutch Players University would like to thank you for
taking time out to speak with us. Could you leave any words of encouragement to
our clutch players, visionaries, or dreamers?
(C) " The places where truth can be found cannot be seen."

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