Monday, May 13, 2013

Clutch Players University caught up with Bobbito Garcia a.k.a Kool Bob Love to discuss his current film...


(CP) What was the inspiration behind the film ‘Doin It In The Park:  Pick-up Basketball'?


(BG) I had an idea for a documentary on NYC outdoor ball back in the '90s, but never put it into action until I saw Kevin Couliau's "Heart & Soul of New York City" video in early 2010 ( I instantly knew he was the right person to bring along for the journey! The advantage we had as filmmakers was that we both played ball, so we could show up to any court and instantly earn the trust of the local players, and get them to be at ease on camera. We have a pretty cool “Making Of” video about our inspiration at

(CP) Tell us about the musical soundtrack for the film?
(BG)  We’ll be releasing a soundtrack EP on digital/cd/vinyl this summer featuring original compositions that nine-time Grammy award winner Eddie Palmieri recorded for our score. We’re blessed to have him down with us! We have a cool “Making Of” video about the music featured in our film here:

(CP) Could you briefly describe a scenario where a participant in any of the pick-up games took you by surprise?
(BG) New York is full of surprises! There were plenty courts we’d show up to, play against 5’3” high school kids thinking we’d blow them out, but they’d know every crack and crevice on their park and would play with such heart. And they’d win! One day in Brooklyn, a player got upset that co-director Kevin Couliau was filming him and the dude smacked Kev’s camera off his face. Not cool! You can see some wild deleted scenes on our blog. That’s also were people can support by buying a download/stream. DIY baby!




(CP) What is the message you want to convey to the audience?
(BG) Pick-up is unequivocally the essence of the sport, and what inventor Dr. James Naismith most intended the game to be when he invented basketball in 1891. Our film inspires people of all ages to participate in recreation at their local court, whether that's in Accra, Ghana, or The Pit in Washington Heights. We’ve done outdoor screenings all over the world that were free for the community. We want to help give back to the people who inspired us.
We do not view our project as a film. It’s a movement. We released the digital download worldwide on May 1 exclusively at, and there have been more purchases overseas than in the US! Our message is universal. We’re in US theaters starting next week with openings in NYC, Oakland, Chicago plus one-night special screenings in San Fran, LA, Miami, and Philly through  “Theatrical On Demand.” Our full calendar is at

So it’s only the beginning. A lot of people will see our film. And we’re doing this 100% independently.
Thanks for the love. Keep playing ball. Or start now. Outdoors. It’s free J



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